Power and Light at Sunset

Power and Light at Sunset
Beauty, Strength, and Light

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Your Life Matters (A First Look at 12 Golden Keys)

Let's get to it!  I look forward to reviewing aspects of my new book, philosophies about Tyranny, stories about great people who have had to overcome themselves, and so much more.  Let's have some fun and have some great discussion!  I look forward to making many connections and building synergy with those who make their way to this page.  I have about 8 months to get my book published so I am sending the word out to the universal intelligence asking that like-minded people be drawn to this page to share in the adventure that is just beginning.  I look forward to sharing 12 Golden Keys with you over the coming months and through the publication of several books. 

Golden Key 1:  Your life matters -- Don't let anyone tell you otherwise and don't let yourself be your own worst critic.  There are people around you who need you even if you don't see it.  Your loss would create pain for many who count on your smile, your eyes, your support, your love.  If you are depressed or somehow out of balance, then take stock of your life, get help when it is needed, and move forward.  Your life matters in ways you cannot comprehend.  If you are tempted to give up, just know that we are often tested right up to the edge of where we can't handle it any more.  If we can hang in there in such dark or challenging times, we can and will make it through to a better and brighter tomorrow.

Assignment:  Go look in the mirror and look into your own eyes.  What do they tell you?  If you don't like what see (not appearance-wise but countenance-wise), then start changing the way you interpret what you see.  Focus on your strengths--you have some.  Minimize your focus on your imperfections and, instead, shine the light on that part of you that makes you unique, worthwhile, and special.  You have got to believe that you matter before you can move forward to make the kind of contributions you may want in your life.  Hang in there--talk to others if you just can't get through this step alone.  Normally, change requires personal desire and is most likely to happen with the involvement or help of a significant other in your life.  Smile and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.  Your life matters!  Practice this self-talk every day until you believe it.  You must overcome self-tyranny, a topic I will be addressing more in the future.

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