Power and Light at Sunset

Power and Light at Sunset
Beauty, Strength, and Light

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Live the Golden Rule

See the article named "Live the Golden Rule and the Seven Billion published below.  The following diagram focuses on Key 12.

Statue at the Vietnam Memorial honoring the sacrifice of so many.

1 comment:

  1. How true is this statement. At times, life can feel like events happen to you that you do not "deserve". A year ago at this time, my fourth child was born with a congenital heart disease. Over the next 8 months, our daughter had two open heart surgeries and spent over half her life in a hospital. She passed away in July. It has been a tremendously difficult trial to endure and I can not help to ask what have I had done to have to watch my daughter suffer they way she did. Fortunately, I still have a wife and 3 other beautiful children I have to live and be happy for. It is a difficult choice to make each day to be happy when I would rather just lay down on the floor and cry. But, I have to accept the things I can not control. I can not control what life will hit me with, I can only control how I react to it.
